We will be traveling from Somerset, KY. to regional cities During the second weekend of each month beginning in March to witness to the lost and hurting. Our goal is to tell the ...
We will be traveling from Somerset, KY. to regional cities During the second weekend of each month beginning in March to witness to the lost and hurting. Our goal is to tell the untild, reach the unreached and love the unloved. YES, we will be sharing the plan of salvation with each soul we reach, but more than just telling them about the love of Jesus we want to show them the love of Jesus by giving them a care box filled with very useful items that should make their lives better. Please prayerfully consider joining us in one or all of these cities, but if you can't please donate any amount to the cause. All money raised go directly to the mission trips and the items in the care boxes. This will be a wonderful opportunity to share and show the good news of Jesus Christ! Listed below is a list of the items that are in the care boxes.
Welch's Fruit Snacks
Apple Sauce
Pudding Cup
Cup of Soup
Bottle of Water
Plastic Spoon
Queen size blankets
Tooth brush
Lip Balm
Shaving Cream
Spiritual Needs
Jesus Loves You Tract
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