Want to experience Swing Dancing in the most flexible way? You can join all of our classes on a DROP-IN basis. We have classes every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, check schedule and ...
Want to experience Swing Dancing in the most flexible way?
You can join all of our classes on a DROP-IN basis.
We have classes every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, check schedule and buy your ticket here (you can also pay cash on the spot) https://swingphilosophy.com/drop-in-classes/
Where: KZ (KNSM-Laan 311)
1 drop-in: 18€
2 drop-ins (one person, same day): 32€
Sunday Program*:
11:00 Lindy Hop & Charleston 1A
12:00 Authentic Jazz 2
13:20 Lindy Hop & Charleston 2B
*On 5 January, 2 February, 2 March, 6 April and 4 May we have IT'S FAST LIKE THAT PARTY! Check it out here: https://vintagejazzevents.com/its-fast-like-that-party/
Check other days of the week here: https://swingphilosophy.com/drop-in-classes/
After trying a drop-in you can also join the full block of 11 classes here: https://swingphilosophy.com/courses/ and you can join an extra class in place of the drop-in ticket!
Swing dance is an Afro-American dance form, full of fun energy and good music. The community is super welcoming, so making new friends is guaranteed!
Everyone dances with Everyone and you will learn both roles!
For questions e-mail to: [email protected] or whatsapp 0031653577930
Picture by Jiří Lubojacký - Catching Reflections of the Soul